March 28, 2025

Pippa Doll made her overdue return to the studio on Wednesday after an absence of some 18 months. With her unique blend of glamour and fashion modelling, seasoned with a soupçon of yoga, we cooked up some visually dynamic dishes for your delectation. Feast your eyes on these sweet samples! (can you tell I’m hungry?)

For Gloss Tights Glamour Pippa struggles to keep this dress on with glossy tan tights. (Photoset & 4k Vid)

Then wears another dress in the office with black glossy tights.(Photoset & VR Vid)

Switching to PVC, Pippa wears a shirt with long skirt and boots with black stockings. (Photoset & VR Vid)

Strictly Glamour

And a PVC bra and skirt. (Photoset & 4k Vid)

And for Up Skirt Glamour a short skirt with stocking. (Photoset & 4k Vid)

We also recorded an interview and there are BTS photos that will be appearing on Glamour Extras next weekend.