February 23, 2025

Naomi K, one of the original models from way back in OnlyTease’s infancy some 8 years ago, was back again today appearing to be the female version of Dorian Grey and looking as fresh as ever.

Since we last saw Naomi she’s changed jobs and is working for a luxury travel firm, so next time you’re in Benidorm you might be lucky enough to have this stunning young lady as your holiday rep.

We did the usual mix of pix and vids, in the samples I’ve included a few more close-up and detail shots as I know this is the ‘icing on the cake’ for many nylon and hosiery connoisseurs, so if you’re thinking of joining one or all of the Only Sites maybe that’ll tip the balance? Each photo set has plenty of different images to choose from within the 130 or so high quality photographs ( available to download in 3 sizes up to 2000 x 3000 pixels ) in each set that you can customise to your own preferences.

Enough of my chat, if a picture paints a 1000 words then here’s 20,000 words. Only better.

For Only-Opaques, a classic college set with olive opaque tights

And sophisticated lingerie with black sheer opaque stockings

For Only-Secretaries a stills set in black tights on the patio

Then back in the office in white stockings on HD video

Then for OnlyTease a lovely subtle pink evening dress with matching lingerie and black stockings

Secretary with platinum stockings

Rockin’ ‘n’ rollin’ on the bed in 50’s style ( the decade, not a middle-aged arthritic ) with white ankle socks

Then another top quality HD video of Naomi in the shortest college skirt in the World