March 28, 2025

I know I only had Bryoni-Kate on my blog a couple of weeks ago, but I thought the old sets of her were so nice that I’d treat you all to a peek at another previously unpublished set. This week she’s in the garden making her pink underwear disappear.

The full set of 69 hi-res (3744 × 5616 pixel) images of Bryoni in the garden can be purchased from Bentbox for just $8 (equivalent to about £6.23 for us Brits – that’s a smidge over just 9p per image!).

See here:

Contrary to my previous assertion that these sets of Bryoni were taken in 2008, following an email from a loyal reader pointing out that she didn’t start shooting for OnlyTease until 2009, I now know they must have been taken in either 2009 or 2010. The date on my camera must have been set wrongly 🙂 Soz.

1 thought on “More Bryoni-Kate

  1. “I know I only had Bryoni-Kate on my blog a couple of weeks ago”. More Bryoni is a good thing! I love her so much, and still refer to her as Bryoni instead of Gemma. Look at her lovely face and toned curves. Her cheeky smile still melts me to this day. She will still be sexy when she’s 100.

    I want every set of her from the past, and every future one. She’s a proper lady, and a wife for life!

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