March 29, 2025

It probably won’t come as a surprise to you to learn that whilst I was putting my new website together a lot of the shoots I did went ‘under the radar’ during the past year or so as the photos and videos weren’t going to be published until Gloss Tights Glamour launched.

Well, now that it’s launched I can reveal all of those shoots to you! It’s hard to know where to start as there are around 40 models to choose from, but chose I did and first out the bag is Chelsea Chamberlain. This shoot with Chelsea back in September provided six sets for Gloss Tights Glamour, comprising of 4 photosets, 1 HD video and 1 VR video.

Chelsea Chamberlain Photosets

These first 4 sets are photosets, starting with Chelsea wearing bright pink shiny tights.

Some silvery grey tights.

White semi-opaque tights.

And some plum coloured tights.

Chelsea Chamberlain Full HD Video

Here’s Chelsea on video in some opaque copper coloured tights.

Chelsea Chamberlain VR video

And shot in 6K 3D virtual reality is Chelsea in some aubergine tights. The VR videos will be coming to the site soon!

See a preview of the sets already release on GlossTightsGlamour here: Chelsea Chamberlain