April 1, 2025

Just a quickie tonight, edited highlights from Carla‘s video for OnlySilkAndSatin from yesterday.

I’m finishing off packing for our OT trip to Portugal tomorrow, we’ve a great line-up of models, Gemma Massey, Carole Hunt and Stevie-Louise are flying out with us tomorrow, then later in the week we’re joined by Charli Delu, Sophia Smith and Lucy Anne, so look out for a lot of samples coming your way. I’m not sure that I’ll have an internet connection at the villa we’re staying in, so if not, there won’t be any post until next Sunday at the earliest, hopefully there will be a connection and then I’ll try to get something posted as the trip goes along.

For the moment enjoy this great tease from one of the best – Carla.

[flashvideo file=https://www.mafworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/carla.flv /]