March 26, 2025

The Italians might have won the Euros but they can’t take our Alicia away from us! We’d thought we’d lost her for good to the charms of Italy but she’s decided to return to home turf, for the time being, after the novelty of eat-as-much-as-you-like pasta and olive oil baths wore off (there’s an interesting idea for a photoset 😉 ).

I’m very pleased to say that she was back shooting with me yesterday. We shot a lot of video content because Alicia’s just so darn good at it.Here’s a few samples from the sets.

Gloss Tights Glamour

This first set id a photoset for Gloss Tights Glamour

And the following 2 sets were shot on 4K video.

Strictly Glamour

Another photoset, this time for Strictly Glamour.

Plus two sets on 4K video.

And the last 2 sets are also videos destined for a forthcoming project.

The next shoot I have lined up is with super blonde bombshell, Cassie B, next week.