October 14, 2024

You’s be forgiven for thinking I’d lost the login details to my blog, owing to the dearth of updates recently, but I haven’t and I’m back to add the outstanding updates prior to the new season of shoots following my summer sabbatical.

I had hoped to be back in the studio next week but Miss C has had to postpone her shoot until a little later in the year meaning that Lottii will be the next model in my studio on 15th October.

Going all the way back to May, I had the pleasure of working with fresh-faced Kelsey for the first time and here are a few samples from the sets that we shot – both stills and VR videos.

These three sets are going on Gloss Tights Glamour with the VR videos on Glamour-VR

And these two sets are for Up Skirt Glamour.

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